Post box

I noticed this scene on my drive to work and waited for a few days for the sun to come back before photographing it. The sun never did come back so I snapped it anyway, in case the flowers died, or the post box was blown up as part of some terrorist plot (of which there are so many here in the UK). Due to the blue being so distinct from everything else I can trivially change the hue of the flowers independent of everything else. They look good in yellow and purple, but I’ve left them as evolution intended.

photo of an English post box in amongst blue flowers


fiona says:

this picture of the postbox is lovley! I was searching trying to find a good image of a post box to use for my work. (very difficult) and I found this. Beautiful. I was wondering if I could use this picture for a report I’m working on?
get back to me about it.


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