Daddy long legs fly

I’m having to remove at least two Daddy long legs (Crane fly) from the house every day. If I open the door on an evening, there are always a number of them sleeping on the outside of it. There were a few buzzing around at my parents house in Bradford the other day.

Are we having an invasion? Has anyone else noticed a huge influx of crane fly?

An interesting symptom of this seems to be that spiders, due to their new diet of giant flies, are now growing much larger too. So now we have gianormous spiders skulking around hunting and eating even bigger flies. I fear for the lives of our cats, although they seem to be having fun hunting and catching the flies too.

UPDATE: In addition to Leeds and Bradford, I’ve now had reports of huge flies and spiders in Huddersfield too.

UPDATE: To repell these flies get some Citronella oil apply it around your doors and windows, perhaps dousing some small pieces of cloth. To get rid of ones that have already got in I just recommend catching them in your cupped hands and throwing them outside. If you’d prefer that the ones you miss don’t lay eggs all around your house, get some fly paper to catch those stragglers. Mass killing and torturing of them achieves nothing long term; you’ll just end up in Buddhist hell.


Lola says:

can they hurt you? can they fly? can they sting/bite?

It is April 18th 2009 and I live in Corona California. These DLL(crane flies here) have invaded California and we’re only in April.

It was on the news the other day that because of our weird weather we had here this year so far, (rain, hot, rain, rain, hot, etc) that these suckers laid eggs more then usual because of the weird weather here, go figure.

All I know is that there are hundreds by our front door each evening before the sun sets and to come in or let my 3 goldens outside, is dangerous around here. I shoo my dogs out so fast, I have caught a tail or a hind leg in the door when slamming it shut. Funny thing is there are no wasps around and this time of year here, they should be swarming around and in our faces, but no wasps, just these stupid looking,can’t seem to fly straight, long legged insect, the crane fly.
I keep reading stories, yet no one has come up with a way to get rid of them. If I’m outside watering, and water the plants, they come out of my plants in the hundreds and fly into each other, into walls, me, my truck, and anything in their way. What I hate most is laying in bed and one comes flying on your nose or lands on your head. Dam!!! It’s got the whole house to land his skinny ass and he comes to my face, in the dark.
I think they are here to bug us and drive us mad. any one know a sure way to rid them fast, let me know.

stacey says:

could u please answer a question for me, a person told me that jenny long legs have a hidden deadly poison that they dont know how to use is that true? im discusted by them i find them truely horrible insects i hate them but is intrested in this and would like to know the answer, thnx

Zoobia says:

This is absolutely INSANE! I mean these posts have been going on on for what 4 years!! I’m in Woodbridge, Canada, and going NUTS with these bugs! Everytime we open our front door we have to run in like were some crazy maniacs just so we can get in before “they” do and some still manage to sneak in and sit right on the floor. I guess someone suggested citronelle oil, so will try that tommorow. My fear is that every year they will multiply by the 1000’s and well be left of a ratio of 1000 crane flies:1 person!!

Like others have said though, I’m glad to see I’m not the only person being invaded by these crazy little buggers!

P.S Lanie, ” What I hate most is laying in bed and one comes flying on your nose or lands on your head. Dam!!! It’s got the whole house to land his skinny ass and he comes to my face, in the dark.” … I know what your talking bout!!

mary says:

I live in woodbridge, ontario as well – I moved from Richmondhill and have never experienced anything like this! I find them dead by the front door all the time.
After reading some of the replies, I understand that they die once they mate – this scares me! Can they lay eggs in my house???? It may be a silly question, but there are hundreds of them outside my house. I also had a bee’s nest growing on my garage and I still have a large hornets nest growing against a window on my upper level.


Riya says:

I live in Mississauga Ontario Canada and we have alot of these crane flies which we initially thought were huge mosquitos! We just moved here last Sept and the grass was laid by our builder and now this year we have these dum-ass things!! I’m so frustrated!! We don’t even sit outside anymore!!

Nobody has really given a method of eliminating these things here and I’ve been trying to find a way to ensure I don’t have the same problem next year. From what I have read, the best way is to power rake your lawn. Killing the crane flies won’t do much good because they’re already mating and laying eggs at this time. The larvae is what eats your grass so by power raking your lawn, it will cut into the top layer of your soil which is where the eggs and larvae are and by raking, you will kill them. I plan on buying a power rake attachment for my lawn mower which is only like $12.00 at Canadian Tire, power rake the lawn and spread fertilizer in October. Then power rake again after winter probably in March or April, spread fertilizer and also over-seed to ensure the grass grows in thick and healthy.

Also, I have not watered my lawn for a few weeks now since drying out the top soil will also help in killing the eggs/larvae. The grass won’t be damaged as it has the capacity to go without water for awhile. It just starts to look a little brown on top. And attract birds to your lawn because they eat the larvae! I saw birds in spring pulling out these worm like things which I now know were probably larvae.

Hopefully this helps and if you have any other info on getting rid of these things, please post!

carol says:

Hi everyone, im in chino, ca and the crane fly is driving me crazy. I went on the internet as was surprised to see all these comments since 2005. Its march 2009. Well at least im not alone.

carol says:

Sorry, I mean 2010

Marlene says:

I am in Tucson, AZ. Last year around this time we experienced our first “invasion” of these insects that resemble mosquitos on steroids! The bug man at the University of Arizona told me the name of “daddy long legs flies”.

This year they are much, much worse and are driving us crazy. They seem to instinctively congregate right outside doors, so they can enter the house instantly. They are difficult to swat. We slip into and out of the house with the great fear of letting more in.

I heard someone say they saw them in Austin, TX, also. I don’t believe they bite, but we just don’t want them inside with us. We kill a number of them daily inside and dozens outside and wonder how long their “season” is. Please, does anyone have some advice on how to deal with them? We have no grass anywhere near us. We live in the dry desert southwest.

Traceyjwin says:

So here we are in June 2010. For the past week I haven’t been able to go in my garden for the bloody things. Have a lifetime phobia which used to only render me housebound for september and october – now it’s starting in June :-( I HATE HATE HATE them. You can get nematode stuff in garden centres to treat your lawn for the leatherjackets (gross) but is nothing to deter the adults as far as I know. I just stay indoors with camping nets velcroed to my windows so I can at least get fresh air. What a miserable existence!! Why don’t they just go away?!!

Anonymous says:

I know the problem; in Belgium they also seem to be there allready in may and I am paralized during september and oktober. having to ask assistence from friends and family to be able to go to work.

Joey says:

They DO NOT bite
They DO NOT sting
They DO NOT contain ANY poison (see below)
They ARE NOT harmful.

They are properly called Crane Flies. People think that they “have poison but no teeth or stinger to use it” wrong. This is the Daddy Long Leg SPIDER, which does not have strong enough teeth to use it but is thought to contain one of the highest levels of poison of all the spiders (but cant use it!)

Joey says:

EDIT: They are f-ing annoying tho

Casey says:

I hate them and my dad doesnt realise why, I hate them, for me they’re kill on sight! but we dont seem to have that many, I live in Donegal, the good thing is I adore wasps. but havent seen too many DLL maybe about one every 2 days. they do freak me out though thin body, long, dangling legs and random flight paths and their horrific sound they make when they fly. My weapon of choice is a pillow =P.

Tom B says:

They scare the crap out of me I have a fear of spiders well a massive fear if one touches or goes near me I get a shower and I know crane flies aren’t spiders but I’m as scared of them. My weapon of choice is to throw anything in site. Once I picked up the dog and was chasing the crane fly around trying to get him to eat it. I live in Leeds :) and there is billions of them

Nichole says:


Well it’s July 2011 now and lastnight I encoutered my first daddy-long-legs (crane fly) of the year and I must say I was terrified of the bugger!

It thier legs! So wibbily and creepy.

They randomly fly anywhere and everywhere and disturb our peace. My mum leaves her back door open ALL DAY and thier forever coming in and chasing me around our kitchen and living room.

Luckily I have brothers who take care of them for me.
I’m dreading the day I get my own appartment. Hahaa

I guess the good thing is that they’re pretty slow flyers so it’s rather easy to wack ’em! Although being on the wall is another story. Your just about to hit them with your shoe and then they suddenly jump off the wall RIGHT INTO YOU!!!
Honestly, I scream and run.

chris says:

I live in Manchester and there are tonnes of them…..tonnes. The only room safe from them is the spare bedroom so I sleep in there…….shudder…. They would be so much better if they didn’t have any legs! They’re not spiders and they aren’t poisonous but they do bite. They have no purpose! Kill them ALL

Peggy says:

I live in Lafayette, LA, USA, and yep, we have them too. They are coming out now & I was hoping to find a cure too! I really hate when they die and spread body parts for days around the house. I don’t want to kill them, just want them to stay away from my doors & not come in. I guess I’ll try the citronella oil & hope it helps!

billy n says:

they are here in liverpool too not too many yet but they are getting giant and i dont mind budhist hell i just wannan kill em all but this citroenella seems like a more effective odea so i will try that too thanks

billy n says:

last year i had a shirt drying outside i put it on and left the house i felt itching all day on my back… later that day the itching was on my arm so i unbuttoned my top button and had a peek………….. i shouted and actually ripped my shirt off and started stamping on untill the shirt was no more the daddy long legs was no more. but now it takes me ages to dry my clothes inside and i am afraid to open my window from march to september.

billy n says:

i am doing a speaking test in english next week about the things i hate at the top of the list are daddy long legs anyone got any ideas apart from mine evil saten spawned insects from the bowels of hell.
with evil creepy broken legs

billy n says:

stacy this is true they do have a toxic poison but their fangs are not big enough to pierce human skin that is why i only fely minor itching.

billy n says:

the most fffective weapon i found is not a gun pillow or even deadly chemicals it is the humble book. they are perfectly balanced for throwing and big enough for a one hit kill.
rats and dogs also help because they think daddy long legs are deliciuos.

billy n says:

both avian and ground dwelling varety

kutha says:

why are daddy long legs called ‘daddy long legs’, are females called this aswell. and it is so weird of how they glide through the air, i think they can walk on air, thats how light they are. jokin

niknax says:

In Scotland we get them aswelll , we call them jenny longlegs or Jennys , my son said they are poisonous but can penetrate human skin , i thought he was making it up as he’s only 11 lol and scared of them – ive just had to kill 1 a few mins ago .I’m not scared of them just find them annoying. Ive noticed they seem to be attracted to the lights. WEAPON of choice is a dish towel , u can flick them with the towel and kill them in 1 go – or pull their legs off then they cant fly

niknax says:

I meant can’t penetrate human skin lol

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