Saddam behind 9/11

Tony Blair is joining in the latest spate of FUD (Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt) and helping blur the connection between the illegal occupation of Iraq and the attack on the World Trade Center buildings in September 2001.

In a BBC article entitled “Troops must stay in Iraq – Blair”, the government funded news corporation quotes Blair’s free word association experiment:

“Mr Blair argued the 11 September 2001 atrocities in the US upset the balance”

“Defeating “insurgents and terrorists” there would lead to the destruction of terrorism across the globe, he said”

“He said that 11 September 2001 changed his perspective on the world.”

“I took the view that if these people ever got hold of nuclear, chemical or biological capability, they would probably use it.”

This boils down to: “September 11, Iraq, Global Terrorism, September 11, Terrorism, WMD, Terrorism.”

We know there was no link between Iraq and the WTC attacks. Bush and Blair know this too, as they admitted clearly and publicly in January 2003. So why are they still telling us there was a link?


Paul says:

Collaboration is the key word.

Link is clear and has been for some years:

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