
happy happy happy! joy joy joy! I so TOTALLY in a happy mood right now, feeling good, looking good (cept I need a shave), and I love it!. I’m quite sure I’ve discovered the answer to the worlds problems, its called Ska!

Ska and Ska-Punk really, I’m making a Compilation CD for Little Elf and LydiaBushGrrl, erm, for LittleElf to cheer her up (if it works this well then everything will be cool) and for Lydia because I’m sending her a book anyway, may as well spread some transatlantic joy too. Listening to the Blue Beats right now “Don’t get Crazy”, shoutz out to JudgeRuffNeck for sorting me out with this tune. I’m off to skank some more (maybe have a shave too, but not whilst skanking, that is dangerous and not advised).

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