This is the first photo of my photo blog. I’ll just be selecting a good photo, probably enhancing it electromonically, and publishing it here. Some will be new photos (as with this one) and some may be taken from my collection, but they’ll all be my own. Click the thumb to see a larger version. If you like my photos and want to use them for any reason drop me a line to and I might provide you with a full resolution version.
Tag: water
water cooler
I managed finally, after lots of prodding of the site manager, to get a water cooler installed down here in our department. The water supply down here tastes funny (and is usually warm) so I complained. Unfortunately they’ve plumbed it into the same water source as the tap (duh, I did warn them of this) but with it being cooled, I can no longer taste the fun.
Increased efficiency due to being properly watered: 10%.
Loss of efficiency due to many more trips to the toilet: 2%. Bonus!
I wonder if I can get them to install a urinal down here now. Obviously not in the kitchen, that wouldn’t be hygenic, but there is space in the server room.