Tag: fridge

drink me

The nearest kitchen to my office here at work is shared by a number of different departments. We all supply our own milk and there is an informal arrangement where anybody uses any milk they find on the assumption they’ll eventually buy milk themselves for others to share. I’m sure what results is a small number of people always buy milk and other people drink it. I try to buy some once in a while, though I use very little.

2 weeks ago I bought a 2 pint carton of milk and put it in the fridge. It was gone in less than 2 days. This didn’t bother me as this is, of course, the point. This week I bought a 4 pint carton but this time clearly wrote “drink me” on the side of it with a marker pen as an experiment. This milk hasn’t been touched since Tuesday and there is no other milk in the fridge now.

I’ve inadvertently stumbled across some kind of advanced milk protection system. I’ve filed a patent.

UPDATE: The milk remains untouched but someone has added the words “go on, please” on the carton.