
Here I am in Sheffield, stayed with James on the sofa bed thing. Very comfortable, they’ve gone off to a lecture so I’m sat here watching Neighbours, Libby Kennedy is being distinctly ugly at me, I’d love to punch her. I did once meet a girl from the hit oz tv programme “Heartbreak High” in McDonalds as she was starring in a pantomime at the local theatre. I walked up to her and asked “Hey, are you the girl from Heartbreak High?” and she feined coyness and smiled at her friends who were looking fed up of this kind of thing and answered “why yes”, expecting to have to autograph my penis or something. “I’ve got chairs that can act better than you” was my reply. A little harsh but I was young and rebellious, her friends giggled a bit and she looked a bit hurt, poor girl. She was Australian tho, so I’m sure she’d used to being slapped about and stuff.

Anyway, back to Sheffield. Whilst waiting for James to get his coat I met loads of cool people, one with big mad ginger hair, and a cool tall chick with a scarf who wouldn’t give me it (the scarf), it was pretty cold. James got drunk, which is strange cos he is a big lad and normally doesn’t get so drunk so quick (he did drink a bottle of wine, loads of beer, loads of vodka, some Captain stuff that was free, erm, and some other stuff, but thats not a lot to James.) I think being in America for a year with low alcohol crappy fizzy beer has turned him into a weiner (to use an ironically placed American word).

Oooh Oooh, and I got interviewed live on Hallam Radio too and managed not to swear, but I just dissed Sheffield curries as they have egg in, which makes no sense, and promised never to come back because of this single fact. I forgot to pimp geek-ware tho, I guess I was too drunkened.

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