FreeS/WAN and a Cisco PIX 501

It can be a bit fiddly to get the Linux FreeS/WAN IPSEC & IKE implementation to talk with the Cisco PIX so I've written a little tutorial to help. I guess it also serves as a bit of an introduction to the PIX OS too.

The software and hardware

This example was tested on Debian Woody unstable with version 1.99-6 of the FreeS/WAN Linux kernal patch and userspace utilities on the Linux 2.4.21-rc6-ben0 kernel (powerpc).

The PIX is a PIX-501, 16 MB RAM, CPU Am5x86 133 MHz running firmware version 6.2(2)

Example network layout

In my test scenario I have 2 private networks: connected to the PIX and connected to Linux. The PIX and Linux are connected together over the "public" network

The PIX has IPs and and Linux has IPs and


As long as the Cisco side is configured correctly (with the appropriate proposals) the freeswan side is almost default and therefore pretty simple. The full config is available here but I'll explain the important bits.

conn pix
	# The Linux box
	# The Cisco PIX
	# Pre-shared keys
	# Turn perfect forwarding security off
	# auto=start will bring this up when you start ipsec

Depending on your setup you may need the usual "next hop" options (leftnexthop=%defaultgateway for example) my as the two devices were connected directly together in this example, I didn't need it. Check the FreeS/WAN manual for further details as this isn't PIX specific.

You also need an ipsec.secrets config file with the pre-shared key in it. : PSK "mypassword"

Cisco PIX

The PIX config is more fiddly. I'll go through it step by step and explain what and why. Only parts of this are necessary for the VPN config (for example, you don't need to have the same interface names!) but I'm going to cover it all anyway. (Note: I've wrapped some long config lines onto two lines (denoted by a \ at the end of the line). This needs to be typed in as one line.)

nameif ethernet0 outside security0 nameif ethernet1 inside security100 enable password earthquake passwd california Setup the interface names and access passwords.
hostname pix domain-name Setup hostname and domain name. This is important for rsa key generation. This example only uses rsa keys for ssh, but you'd need them if you did isakmp authentication by rsa.
access-list 100 permit ip \ This is a normal access list but we're going to use it in the crypto map, which turns it into a "crypto access list". Anything permitted is encrypted and anything denied is sent plain-text (unless hit by another access-list in a different map). We don't need to bind this to an interface using an access-group as we're using the sysopt permit-ipsec command, which allows traffic designated encrypted to "bypass the checking of an associated access-list, conduit, or access-group command" (See PIX command reference).
ip address outside ip address inside Set the IP address of this PIX
global (outside) 1 interface Set the global IPs for the outside interface (for use with NAT). Rather than specify an IP address or range, we're just using the keyword "interface" which will auto-select it for us.
nat (inside) 0 access-list 100 Don't NAT any traffic destined over the IPSEC tunnel
nat (inside) 1 0 0 NAT everything else from the LAN
route outside 1 Setup our default route. This is a 3rd router with access to the Internet but we don't use it for IPSEC as our peer is on the same network.
sysopt connection permit-ipsec As explained above, this allows traffic flagged as to be encrypted to bypass other access-lists and conduits. Without this, we'd need to write and apply some access-lists explicitly allowing the traffic across the PIX, which is wasteful if you've already configured a crypto access list.
crypto ipsec transform-set myset esp-3des esp-md5-hmac Create a ipsec transform set. This defines what encryption and authentication algorithms you want to use. In this case we're using 3DES ESP with ESP MD5 HMAC authentication.
crypto map linkmap 10 ipsec-isakmp FIXME
crypto map mymap 10 match address 100 Associate this map with the access list we wrote earlier defining which traffic we want to encrypt.
crypto map mymap 10 set peer Define the other IPSEC endpoint (the Linux box).
crypto map mymap 10 set transform-set myset Associate this map with the IPSEC transform set we defined earlier.
crypto map mymap interface outside Bind this map to the outside interface. You can bind only one map per interface, but each map can have multiple entries (e.g: crypto map mymap 20 transform-set myotherset and so on).
isakmp enable outside Enable the isakmp service (UDP port 500) on the outside interface.
isakmp key mypassword address \ netmask no-xauth no-config-mode Specified a key and which peers to use it with. Disables extended authentication (TACACS, RADIUS etc.). Disables "config-mode" where the PIX would push a config (IPSEC policy, IP address, firewall settings etc.) to the client (Only the Cisco client software supports this).
isakmp identity address Use ip addresses as ID as opposed to isakmp identity hostname (pix.example.invalid). I'm not sure how this works, I guess you need real DNS names and a dns server and such.
isakmp policy 10 authentication pre-share In this example we want to use a pre-shared key (password) rather than the alternative rsa-sig config.
isakmp policy 10 encryption 3des Use triple des for encryption. (Alternative is des but really.)
isakmp policy 10 hash md5 Again, in this example we use the md5 hash for authentication. Alternative is sha which is actually preferred.
isakmp policy 10 group 2 Use the group 2 Diffie-Hellman key exchange for IKE (1024-bit). Alternative is group 1 which is 768-bit.
isakmp policy 10 lifetime 28800 Sets the key lifetime to 28800 seconds. This one is important as FreeS/WAN will only support key lifetime settings up to 28800 seconds. I believe the PIX default to be 86400 seconds. This will prevent the PIX and the Linux box agreeing on a key policy and things will fail, probably without useful error messages, so pay attention to this!
ssh outside ssh inside To allow remote management of the PIX, enable ssh from the Linux box on the outside and ssh from any host on the inside range. You need to have generated an rsa key (and saved it!) with the commands ca generate rsa key 1024 for a 1024-bit key pair, and ca save all to save the keys to flash.


(July 2003) Daniel Meyer has informed me having a crypto ACL defining particular traffic for encryption will result in unnecessary SA's being created. He recommends defining the full network ranges (as with this example) in the crypto ACL, and then using normal ACLs to control what can flow between the networks. An added benefit of this is that packets containing sensitive information destined for the remote network, but not allowed by your policy, won't end up being sent to your default gateway, over the Internet. I'll try and make time to update the configs above with this in mind at some point.

Useful links

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