Managing Linux Securely

Together with Matt Hall, I've been writing documentation of the process of managing Linux securely. The aim is to, over time, document all the processes involved in securely and reliably managing a Linux based firewall, web server or file server. It is in it's infancy now, but already covers some issues regarding Qmail, PPTP VPN, PPP and Apache. It was originally centred around a particular distro (FireHat) but we're working to make it more distro-agnostic. The information should still be of use to anybody managing Linux based services.

As this is in very early development, the content should be considered with care as it may not be fully tested, resulting in an insecure or unreliable system.

You can find the document here in PDF format, Plain-text format, HTML format, and the original master XML DocBook format.

This hasn't made the progress I would have liked, but I intend to revive this project sometime soon.

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$Date: 2003/11/09 12:18:17 $
(c) Copyright 2002,2003 John Leach <john at johnleach dot co dot uk >